![Actress Meryl Streep poses in the press room with the Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama award for 'The Iron Lady' at the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 15, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California. [Getty Images] Actress Meryl Streep poses in the press room with the Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama award for 'The Iron Lady' at the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 15, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California. [Getty Images]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/shakespeares_sister/shakes3/x610-12.jpg)
Does anyone want to talk about the Golden Globes last night? Let's talk about the Golden Globes last night!
Actually, I live-tweeted them, so I don't have anything else to say, really. But I bet you do! Right? Come on, you totally do!
Here's my Executive Summary: Ricky Gervais is an asshole. Seth Rogen is vile. Meryl Streep is THE BEST. If anyone had to beat Amy Poehler, I'm glad it was Laura Dern. I would totally see a movie called "The Fartist." Also a movie about "War Whores." True Fact: Without advanced tweezer technology, Martin Scorsese and I would be eyebrow twinz. Cutting to people of color for reaction shots when Gervais makes racist jokes is TACKY AS FUCK. George Clooney loves Fassbender's dong. Alexander Payne and Wes Anderson should make a movie called "White People! So Fun! So Quirky! Also One Asian!" I give the Golden Globe for fastidious maintenance of the kyriarchy to the Hollywood Foreign Press. The end!
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