OMG y'all. This might be (should be) Rick Perry's last night in the primary! Do you feel sad? I feel so sad. Seeing as how this is probably (should definitely be) the last night we all have to spend with presidential candidate Rick Perry before he goes home to destroy Texas, I thought that I'd honor him (and all of us, really) with a tasteful retrospective highlighting the best moments of his candidacy (cue
Bad Day):
Welp, that about does it. Thanks for all the memories, Rick Perry! We'll definitely miss you soooooooo much!
Anyway! I can't wait to see what happens tonight! So many possibilities... Mitt Romney could win and go on to get the Republican nomination! Mitt Romney could lose and go on to get the Republican nomination! What a wild ride we've got ahead of us, Shakers!
Bring it on, New Hampshire!
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