All right, you Downton Abbey bitchez! Under threat of havoc by Portly Dyke, I finally relented and watched both seasons in a marathon of chiffon and melodrama and blubbing my face off, so here is the thread that EVERY SINGLE PERSON EVER has been begging me for!
(Except for Iain. Who tells me that he moved to America so he didn't have to watch that shit anymore. LOL!)
I pretty much love it to rotten little pieces, except for one thing, and it is not a small thing: Almost to a man, all of the white straight men are ethical paragons, even if the Laird is a bumblefuck who always has to get it wrong before he gets it right, and it is only women, gay men, and Mr. Kemal Pamuk who are the scheming and coercive scoundrels. The exceptions to that rule are white men who are not of the aristocratic class: Sir Richard, primarily, and Tom Branson, who was often unreasonably cajoling and snide with Sybil.
Whoooooooooooooops that is a problem! Please fix it in Season Three!
Otherwise, I truly adore all the social justice commentary up in my period drama, especially the feminist stuff: Mary's line "My life makes me angry. Not you." was one of my favorite things ever. EVER!
And I shall save the rest for comments.
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