Infographic of the Day

a series of three images: 1. stylized image of women of color carrying empty water jugs labeled 'In just one day' 2. the same women carrying full water jugs on their heads in the opposite direction labeled '200 million work hours are consumed' 3. the first image repeated labeled 'By women collecting water for their families'
a fourth image: 4. stylized image of the Empire State Building labeled 'This is equivalent to building 29 Empire State Buildings each day.'

The above infographic is care of, a charity to which I donate and which I strongly endorse, particularly for their emphasis on improving women's and children's lives by making clean water more readily accessible. Accessible water allows women time to fully participate in their communities, and allows children time for their education.

teaspoon icon Find out how to get involved here. Donate with a credit card here, or with alternate payment options (like PayPal) here.

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