Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC Anchor: Do you have any concerns about some of [Rick Santorum's] comments on social issues, on contraception, on women in combat, and whether or not that would hurt his viability in a general election campaign, would he be the nominee?[H/T to Misty.]
Foster Friess, Fuckhead: Well, I'm [laughs] I get such a chuckle when these things come out. Here we have millions of our fellow Americans unemployed, we have jihadist camps being set up in Central, in, uh, Latin America, which, uh, Rick has been warning about, and people seem to be so preoccupied with sex. So I think it says something about our culture—we maybe need a massive therapy session so we can concentrate on what the real issues are. And this contraceptive thing—my gosh, it's so, it's such inexpensive—you know, back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that costly.
[Dead air while Friess sits there grinning like a jackass.]
Mitchell: Uh, excuse me; I'm just trying to catch my breath from that, Mr. Friess, frankly.
[Friess laughs heartily.]
Quote of the Day
"Back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that costly."—Santorum supporter and conservative corporateer Foster Friess, during an interview with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC earlier today.
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