This blogaround brought to you by lavender soap.
Recommended Reading:
IMPORTANT RECALL NOTICE: Pfizer Announces Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Lo/Ovral®-28 and Norgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets Due to Possibility of Inexact Tablet Counts or Out-of-Sequence Tablets (Also see: Misty's post below.)
Tami: How Finger Wagging Is Like Hair Touching: Lessons in Privilege
Resistance: In Which the President Is Asked to Dance a Jig by a White Lady in the Year 2012
Fannie: This Is What An Anti-Feminist Looks Like [Content Note: See advisory at link.]
Gary: Whitewashing Black History Month
shinobi42: Southwest Loses Another Customer [Content Note: The post at the link includes discussion of fat shaming and fat-related airline policies.]
Adrienne: Drew Barrymore Sports a Headdress (Not a Hat)
Andy: 'Priscilla' Director Stephan Elliott: I'm Gay
Hey—know who else does good blogarounds (by other names)? Tigtog and Mike the Mad Biologist! You should read them!
Leave your links and recommendations in comments...
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