I'm seeing an awful lot of arguments from progressive men (and some women) positing that birth control is a good wedge issue for Democrats to use against the GOP. Like this article, conveniently titled "Why birth control is a good wedge issue against the GOP."
And I respond to every one the exact same way: Sure, great wedge issue, except for how it concedes the extremely anti-choice (and, not coincidentally, the pro-rape culture) position that the bodies of women et. al. and the governance thereof are subject to public debate, ownership, and exploitation as a political tool.
Am I really supposed to give a fuck that Democrats can turn denial of contraception into a "winner" if I have to negotiate away the concept of absolute autonomy over my body in the process?
Fuck that. I'd rather see Democrats, including and especially our President, take a firm line, never concede a goddamn inch, and respond to every Republican attempt to turn any aspect of reproductive rights into a wedge issue with: "I refuse to engage with any position that treats bodily autonomy as a negotiable item. I support choice, without qualification. Next question."
Anything less is losing ground.
If you think I'm wrong, consider this: Conciliation to the anti-choice terms of the debate has us now debating birth control access. In the year two thousand and fucking twelve.
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