
Reflections, Page xii: "I've seen Governor Bush stay for an hour after a graduation speech to shake the hand of every graduate. I have waited as he talked with every one of the hundreds of people who came to see him at huge community receptions. I've walked through countless hotel kitchens and back door entrances to buildings with him; he always stops to talk with the cooks, janitors, and elevator operators. He smiles, shakes hands, and establishes a warm and immediate connection. I never know how he does it; the people know it is genuine and heartfelt."—Karen Hughes, continuing to sing the praises of a boss "too modest to describe his thoughtfulness and the genuine and unique way he relates to people" but not so modest that he won't pay one of his employees to do it for him and then publish it as the opener to his book.

Only one more page of sycophantic gushing to go, and then it's onto the sagacious words of the man himself!

By the way, I always love people who wax admiringly about some rich fuck who treats the help like they're human beings for five seconds, without a trace of irony that singling out basic kindness toward working people necessarily implies they don't deserve to be treated as equals, "but Mr. Magnanimous Fancypants is nice to them ANYWAY!" Oh, bravo. You're a real humanitarian.

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