Zelda: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Matilda: I still can't stop thinking about Tony. Wondering where he could be, who he is with, what is he thinking, is he thinking of me, and whether he'll ever return someday...
Zelda: Oh, hey. What's going on?
Matilda: Nothing. I'm just thinking about Tony again, and hovering here around the kitchen door in case Two-Legs goes in there, so I can get my begging game on.
Zelda: Cool. Say, can you do me a solid? Is it just me, or do my feets totally smell like corn chips?
Matilda: It's not just you, girl. You got some Frito feet to match your Dorito ears.
Zelda: I gots Frito feets! Ha-cha-cha-cha!
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