Daily Dose of Cute

Looking Out the Window Edition—The five furry residents of Shakes Manor in ascending age order:

image of Zelda the Black-and-Tan Mutt looking out the window
Zelly Belly

image of Dudley the White and Red Greyhound looking out the window, with his chin on the back of the couch

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat looking out the window from atop my monitor
Sophs, aka Monitor Cat

image of Olivia the White Farm Cat looking out the window while standing on the back of the couch

image of Matilda the Blue-Eyed Cat totally not looking out a window
Tils: "I ain't looking out no window. Fuck all y'all."

(She really rarely looks out any window. She will very occasionally look out the front screen door, and once in a blue moon will look out the window on my desk, but mostly she is utterly uninterested in the outside world. Given the opportunity to venture out onto the screened-in deck, she might. Or she might not. Haughty sniff.)

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