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Recommended Reading:
Are you reading Richard Adams' coverage of the primaries? Because you should be! Richard is TOPS! Exhibit A: He quoted Deeks today.
Tami's running an awesome series about Writing While Marginalized. You should definitely read the whole thing!
Pam thanks the President for opposing Amendment One in North Carolina. Thank you, Mr. President! Good job on the evolving!
Michelle rips apart the study underlying the super scary news that eating any amount of red meat ever is bad for you.
Jessie examines the role of whiteness in the Kony 2012 phenomenon. If you're wondering why I haven't written about Kony 2012, despite having covered the US' deployment of combat teams to address the threat posed by Kony and LRA, this is why.
Crunktastic writes about the murder of Trayvon Martin and the "Don't Re-Nig in 2012" bumper sticker. This shit doesn't happen in a void.
Andy covers the conviction of Dharun Ravi for bias intimidation and invasion of privacy in association with the death of Tyler Clementi.
And last but certainly not least, over at Wired, James Bamford informs us that the NSA is building the country's biggest spy center. Swell.
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