[Content Note: Racism; violence.]
15: The number of things compiled by Think Progress that everyone should know about the murder of Trayvon Martin.
I have linked to two great pieces at Crunktastic that address the murder (which is a legal term that I should technically not be using unless and until George Zimmerman is arrested, tried, and convicted, but fuck that it was a fucking murder), but I have not written anything myself, and it is not because I don't care about the story.
It is because I don't know what to write.
I'm so fucking sad and I'm so fucking angry, and I don't know where to put all those feelings or what to do with them. I want to be able to do something, now, or support something, participate in something meaningful that's going to put an end to this never-ending violence and the never-ending apathy punctuated by moments of quickly fading outrage, but there's no such thing.
This is racism, and to imagine there is some swift and decisive measure to be taken against racism is the same sort of nonsense underlying "the war on terror," a military action against a tactic.
Dismantling institutional oppression isn't accomplished by a single blow; it's a process. I know that, but it just isn't satisfying today.
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