The highest earning hedge fund manager of 2011 essentially won the equivalent of seven of the current $540 million Mega Million jackpots last year.Priorities! We've got them! We should definitely continue to let children go to bed at night with empty bellies and keep paying gamblers in expensive suits obscene amounts of money that is taxed at lower rates than hungry children's parents! GOOD JOB, USA!
Bridgewater Associates' Ray Dalio's reward for his bets on where the markets were heading: $3.9 billion, according to AR's list of the top-earning hedge fund managers.
The top 25 hedge fund managers took home an average of $576 million each.
And that was a down year.
Last year's total compensation for the top 25 hedge fund managers dropped 35% ... to $22 billion.
[Via @PeterDaou.]
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