Mitt Romney book of quotes to be released in May:
A book of direct quotes from Mitt Romney will be published in May, citing everything from the Republican presidential contender's views on Mormonism to healthcare as well as his corporate background, publisher Threshold Editions said on Wednesday.

"Mitt Romney In His Own Words" will be released in May and compiled by author Philip Hines. It will be written in the style of "I, Steve," a book which offered quotes by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs that was rushed to the marketplace after Jobs died in October.

The collection of quotes on "hot button-issues" by the former Massachusetts Governor will be published as a paperback by Threshold Editions, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, the publisher said in a statement.
That sounds AMAZING. My birthday is in May, I'm just saying.

image of Mitt Romney standing in front of flags, pointing his finger, and saying: 'I like to say things, so if you like to read things, this book of me saying things is almost definitely for you.'

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