"Ohhhh, it says 'nympho' on the butt in silver sparkly letters. Nympho means you're addicted to sex. And, since it's on the butt, there are other implications as well. So those are a maybe."—Tom.
OMG THIS SHOW!!! Here are my favorite lines from last night's episode [content note: reference to violence]:
Andy: And if there's one thing I know is my fantastic, it's talk.
Buddy Wood: We're setting up over there. We found a small piece of carpet without a horrifying smellscape.
Andy: We'll let you pay for your own food—because of equality!
Ron: I don't consider myself an anything-ist, but my life has been shaped by powerful women. My father once told my mother than woman was made from the rib of Adam, and my mom broke his jaw.
Leslie: Preposterous! Are you ineb—hiccup!—ebirated? That was bad timing.
Ron: Kendra, you know what? I am gonna have that third steak after all. Go ahead and put that order in now, please and thank you.
Andy: You and the women taught me that nothing is impossible.
Leslie: I know what tiramisu is, okay, and sheep don't eat it!
Jerry: Well, you know, it's like I always say—it ain't government work if you don't have to do it twice! Here I go!
Ron: April! Andrew! Good morning to you both! Doughnuts! Go nuts! *giggle*
Also loved: That when Ron told Chris he'd had sex with Linda, he described it as "consensual activities." I was trying to think of the last time I heard a male character on a sitcom use the word "consent" that wasn't part of a rape joke about the lack thereof, and I'm pretty sure it was never.
And this:
I am not gonna lie: I got totes choked up when those two guys gave each other that look, like "OH HELL NO IS THAT ASSHOLE MESSING WITH LESLIE." I love that they had her back, because she'd had theirs, just doing something simple but meaningful for them like fighting for better ID tags. The episode was about "luck," but over and over, we saw that what looks like luck is really just Leslie's kindness and competency coming back to her in ways she can't see. It was so sweet. Wow, I love this show.
Finally: Ann and Tom, please just stay broken up now. Thanks.
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