This man is EXACTLY THE RIGHT AMOUNT of fluttery!
Well, this has certainly been an interesting season, hasn't it? Without giving any spoilers away, I can't say I agree with the judges' decision about who deserved to be in the final three, but oh well.
The After the Runway shows have been strangely enlightening, too. Austin has proven himself to be exactly as kind and professional and witty as he's always seemed, while Mondo seems a good deal less nice than he appears on the show, and Kenley seems a bit nicer.
I didn't like Mondo's sniping at Austin—"He's too fluttery for me"—especially the tone it took, which seemed, well, homophobic and misogynistic. I think it's only because Mondo feels threatened by Austin, who's definitely his strongest competitor, but still. That was yucky. Austin, by comparison, was gracious, even noting that Mondo was self-deprecating in a charming and "adorable" way.
The gap between where they are in their careers was evident in those exchanges. Austin appears to have reached that place where he's not threatened, where he knows that he can only do what he can do, and there's no reason to worry about what anyone else is doing or indulge petty jealousies. Mondo isn't quite there yet. In time.
Anyway! What did you think? I want one of Austin's coats in EVERY COLOR!
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