Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Dehumanization; racism; misogyny.]

"It was not intended by me in any way to become public. ... This is a private thing that was, to say the least, very poor judgment on my part. I did not forward it because of the racist nature of it. Although it is racist, I'm not that way, never have been."—Chief US District Judge Richard Cebull, a white man nominated by former President George W. Bush, who sent a racist email during work hours to "old buddies" from his official courthouse email address, but, naturally, isn't himself racist and never has been.

*that face*

I'm not going to reprint the joke, the "humor" of which turns on implying that President Obama's white mother doesn't know who his black father is and may have fucked a dog—which is not only a dehumanizing racist joke so old it's got dinosaur scat on its shoes that has merely been topically updated for the purposes of demeaning our biracial African-American president, but also conveniently plays into all the birther narratives used to attempt to delegitimize Barack Obama's presidency.

It's grossly racist on every conceivable level, and yet Cebull insists: "I didn't send it as racist, although that's what it is. I sent it out because it's anti-Obama." Oh, well, that's all right then.


[H/T to Deeks.]

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