[Content Note: Rape culture; clergy abuse; Christian Supremacy.]
"SNAP is a menace to the Catholic Church. ... I can't give you the names, but there's a growing consensus on the part of the bishops that they had better toughen up and go out and buy some good lawyers to get tough. We don't need altar boys. The church has been too quick to write a check, and I think they've realized it would be a lot less expensive in the long run if we fought them one by one."—Bill Donohue, the one-man "Catholic League" whom the media continues to treat as if he represents anyone but himself, on how the Catholic Church should get tough with SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
Yep, that's right. Bill Donohue actually just said the Catholic Church should fight survivors of rape one by one. Ya know, to save money.
True Fact: Bill Donohue once called me a "brat" on national television. He's GREAT!
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