Text Onscreen: [over video through a windshield on a rainy day] We got a call from our friend Mary Chatman about a dog in South L.A. From far away, she was able to tell that the dog was in pretty bad shape. [The vehicle stops; the camera shows the first-person view, walking around a commercial area.] We didn't see the dog in the area. Audrey prepared to block the open area of the fence in case the dog showed up and tried to escape. The first search of the property showed no sign of a dog. [over video of a dumpster area] But then, I quickly motioned for Audrey to come closer… [The camera zooms in, and a little white dog lifts its head from a pile of rubbish; a white woman and the white man holding the camera slowly approach the dog, which is filthy and matted] We realized right away that she was blind in both eyes, so we allowed her to smell us. [Slowly, the woman reaches out her hand, for the dog to sniff. The man does the same. The dog leans forward tentatively, eventually allowing the man to stroke her head and chin. They finally reach in to pick her up.] She urinated out of fear and just sat in in, frozen. [They lift her out and leash her, then swaddle her in a towel to carry her to the vehicle.] On the way home we decided to call her Fiona.Note: I am not affiliated with nor am I specifically endorsing Hope for Paws, but as I'm sure everyone knows, I encourage supporting animal rescue in any way that one is able!
[The little dog lies on a towel on the bathroom floor while the man strokes her head. He then shaves off her horribly dirty fur.] She had the worst flea infestation we had ever seen. [They bathe her gently, then towel her off. She looks grateful and happy.] A few days later, we took her to visit Dr. Michael Chang. [Dr. Chang examines the little dog, while she wears a collar.] Dr. Chang confirmed that she was 100% blind, but he said he could restore her vision in one eye. [Fiona lies on the operating table for surgery.] The next day we picked her up. [Fiona in her cone gets cuddles and wags her tail. On the way home, she looks out the car window.] For the first time in a long time, she could see again. [Fiona at home gets a treat and jumps around playfully and gets loads of cuddles.] A few weeks later, she was adopted by Michele & Chris Gentry. [Picture of a white couple with a little grey dog and three little white dogs, one of whom is Fiona.] Please make a small donation to Hope for Paws and help us save more dogs like Fiona. www.hopeforpaws.org Thanks!
[Via TDW.]
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