Today, the Supreme Court heard closing arguments on the constitutionality of President Obama's Affordable Healthcare Act, regarding its coverage mandate. [Note: The ruling will come later. Thanks to Jeff Lakin for the clarification.]
Yesterday, the defense of the mandate did not go especially well. The expectation is that it will be another 5-4 ruling. In whose favor is not certain, although I'm going to put my wager on the ruling going in Obama's favor.
What will Kennedy do? Once again, I am thrilled that one person has such a ridiculous amount of power in an ostensible democracy.
The Court has three possible options, detailed in arguments this morning: "Strike down all of the Affordable Care Act along with the mandate (the challengers’ position), strike down only two core changes in the way the health insurance system works (the government position), and strike down nothing but the mandate (the position of a Court-appointed lawyer). Not one seemed to be especially appealing to members of the Court."
Watch this space.
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