Westboro Baptist Church Preparing Ad for Limbaugh Show

[Content note for: misogyny]

Never missing an opportunity to ride on someone else's hateful, bigotted coattails, Westboro Baptist Church announced yesterday they would throw their hat (a pus-filled, hate-infested hat, no doubt) into Rush Limbaugh's ring and begin filling the void left by the show's lack of advertisers by prepping some jingles and whatnot of their own.


"The ad's message will be that America is doomed because Americans have cast aside the standards of God, and won't quit their proud sinning."

I guess that's pretty much on-message for the WBC. So, good for them, I guess? Seems a little nice, though. By WBC standards.

"That lady [Sandra Fluke] basically believes she wants the government to pay to kill her babies. That implies a certain level of promiscuity. She wants to fornicate her brains out, but she doesn't want a child. Sounds like a slut to me, and God hates sluts."

Oh, okay. I stand corrected.

Premiere Networks has said any ads from WBC would be rejected. Whoops again. Is that censorship? Sounds like censorship to me. (It doesn't.) Censorship! (It isn't.)

Anyway, you know, the internet is a weird place, isn't it? A few (bazillion) people tweet Limbaugh's advertisers and next thing you know he's broadcasting dead air.

Also weird: I posted about this story yesterday on Twitter, and it was retweed by Margie Phelps, Rebekah Phelps-Roper, Fred Phelps Jr, Rebekah Phelps-Davis, and Abigail Phelps. Phelps-Roper even noted "It's going to be Biblical."

To which I could only reply:

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