I mean, the headline is pretty good: "Taking a Different Look at the Gender Gap." Sure. Because no one's ever had the revolutionary idea to examine a gender gap and radically posit, "Ignore what it says about women so we can TALK ABOUT MEN!" What a great and definitely different "look at the gender gap."
But the opening paragraph is a strong contender, too:
I have found over the years that when a narrative works its way into the collective wisdom, there is no way of changing it. So my goal here is quite modest: to get at least a handful of people to pause, take a deep breath and simply chew over the data a bit before using it to draw unshakable conclusions.Engaging the trope of the female (or woman-focused) hysteric right in the lede is pretty great, don't you think? Pause, take a deep breath, and stop being so goddamn irrational.
I just can't figure out why it is that more women aren't engaged in US politics, when it is so inviting and respectful to us.
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