Daily Dose of Cute

As longtime followers of the Daily Dose of Cute will recall, Dudley is highly food motivated and considers pigs' ears a high value treat. And, when he isn't busy losing his high value treats under bookcases, he's busy gobbling them up instantly. A pig's ear lasts him about three minutes.

Zelly, on the other hand, will chew on a pig's ear or green stick slowly, often doing little damage to it before she walks away. For her, the biggest excitement seems to be getting the treat, rather than eating it. I have to be quick to grab whatever she abandons before Dudley swoops in, because he's suddenly a Watch Dog when there's a treat to be had.

Video Description: Zelly lies on the living room rug chewing on a pig's ear. She loses interest, gets up, stretches, and hops up onto the couch beside me. In the background, Dudley lies in his dog bed, his eyes fixed on the unguarded treat.

image of Dudley sitting on the couch with his ears at silly angles image of Zelly curled up in a tiny ball on the couch, sleeping

Bonus Cuteness: I received the following email from Shaker cellocat, which I am sharing with her permission:
I showed my daughter (3 years old) [April 10th's] video of Zelda, and then we went to your Youtube channel and watched a bunch more. We don't let her watch TV, and the videos she sees are limited to zoo videos and short takes we do ourselves of us and our daily life. But I feel totally safe having her watch clips of your wonderful menagerie. Anyway, in one of the videos we saw, one or both of the dogs were jumping. I said, "Look at the dogs jumping." [My daughter] said, "They're jumping for joy! They're jumping for life!" It was a sweet moment, and I just wanted to share it with you.
They're jumping for life! I love that so much!

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