Not only does Mitt Romney think it's responsible dog ownership to travel with your dog in a crate strapped to the top of your car; he also thinks it's fine to party with asshole dog torturers:
On Monday, Romney will be the beneficiary of a fundraiser that is being hosted for him by Fred Malek. Who is Malek? He is the former President of Marriott Hotels and Northwest Airlines; former assistant to U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon and H.W. Bush; and former National Finance Committee Co-Chair for John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign.Don't worry, he assures us—he didn't actually kill the dog himself; he just watched.
Fred Malek is also part of a group of men who were arrested after killing and barbecuing a dog in a city park in Peoria, IL in 1959.
[H/T to Shaker Brunocerous.]
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