[Image courtesy of Shutterstock.]
While we were on hiatus, Shakesville moderator Scott Madin and contributor Paul the Spud celebrated birthdays! Happy belated birthdays to Scott and Paul!
Second order of business...
Thanks to everyone who sent kind thoughts during my time off. It was a very recuperative week, which made an amazing difference. I mentioned that my hands were completely fubared, and, about halfway through the week, I noticed they were getting better. I took a picture at that point, and then another at the end of the week. The difference is astonishing.
The other day, Iain said, "I forgot your hands could look that way!" LOL. The rest of me feels a lot better, too.
Our tenth anniversary is coming up next month, and we'd been considering what to do to mark the occasion. We'd been thinking about a trip—the honeymoon we'd never taken, maybe—but, in the end, we stayed home and updated our main living space, replacing the TV stand that looked like it belonged in a college dorm room with something a little more grown-up and replacing the old couch with another that is not a medieval torture device for people under 6' tall. Over the first part of the week, Iain built all the new furniture, and over the second part of the week, we relaxed our asses off on it.
One evening, Tuesday or Wednesday, we were sitting cuddled up and listening to music, both dogs and all three cats on various parts of the new sofa with us, looking ridiculously content. "Increased coziness was definitely the best way to honor our ten years," I observed. Iain agreed.
This morning might be a little slow as I get caught up on email.
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