He's also recently added sliding along the chain-link fence to the routine. "Ooh, this fence feels good, too! But not as much as the bush! Gosh, I love this bush! Boy, my eyes are itchy! Well, at least this fence is here! But it's not as good as the bush!"
I cannot dissuade him. I give him his allergy medication and let him carry on his love affair with his unrecognized nemesis.
Video Description: Dudley walks face-first into a large grass bush. He rubs his face in it, then rubs his eyes with his paw. He looks at me and grins, then walks around the bush, back into it, through it, and to the fence, where he commences to rub his face along the fence as he walks alongside it. He turns around and walks back the other way, rubbing the other side of his face. He flaps his ears, then walks right back into the grass bush. Rubs his eyes. Back to the fence, grinning and tail wagging. Walks around the far side of the bush. Rub rub rub. To the fence. Rub rub rub. Rinse and repeat forever.
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