Daily Dose of Cute

Just some of the hilariously awkward positions in which I've discovered Lord Dudlington of Goofball Manor over the past few days...

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying on his back on the couch, with his legs in the air and his neck craned back so his head is hanging off the cushion toward the floor

image of Dudley lying on the couch next to me, on his back, legs in the air, head lolling off to one side

image of Dudley lying on his dog bed, with his nose tucked under the dog bed beside it

image of Dudley lying on the living room floor with his front legs twisted in a knot

image of Dudley lying on his back on the couch with his legs in the air, and his head stretched across a gap resting on the ottoman

image of Dudley lying on his side on his dog bed, with his head curled forward and his legs and tail gathered up together in a tangle

image of Dudley lying on his side on the couch, with his head on a pillow, legs crossed and ears akimbo

I love that dog like a loved thing made out of loved bits.

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