Daily Dose of Cute

[Content Note: Zelda snaps at flies in this video.]

The Adventures of Watch Dog and Not-Watch Dog, Part 5:

Video Description: Zelda lies in the grass on a sunny day, alert. She sniffs my knee, looks around, sniffs the air, twitches her ears. Birds chirps and insects buzz. A fly buzzes past and she swivels her head after it. She tracks the fly, then snaps at it. Snap, snap. Sniffs the grass. Snap. As she remains distracted by flies, I pan to the left. Dudley is lying on his side in the grass. He blinks, stretches, and settles back into his leisure.

image of Zelda and Dudley lying in the grass; Zelda is in the foreground looking alert, and Dudley is in the background, lying on his side

[Parts One, Two, Three, Four.]

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