The BIG NEWS today is that there is a Republican Super PAC with major plans to make this election EVEN MORE TERRIBLE and EVEN LESS SUBSTANTIVE. You can read their megacool plan to "[run] commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by his former spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr." here. I recommend printing it out and then folding it up to use as a barf bag afterwards!
Leaving aside the twenty million or so words I could write on the unethical nature of this line of attack, and the forty million more I could write on garbage campaign finance laws that give undue influence to small but powerful (rich) groups of unprincipled dirtbags for whom policy obfuscation is not a bug but a feature of their slimeball ad hominem politics, I will just express my mystification at pursuing a strategy that didn't even work the last time around, when Barack Obama was a virtually unknown quantity.
Well. I don't profess to understand the mind of the profoundly indecisive centrist cover. Maybe four years of birtherism, dog whistling, and explicit racist attacks on the President will make his connection to Reverend Wright somehow more appealing than it was four years ago. In which case: Whooooops your bigotry!
Meanwhile, Mitt Romney "repudiates" the efforts of this super racist Super PAC. What a man of principle! Ha ha just kidding. It's not like he supports comprehensive finance reform to prevent this shit from influencing elections. Hells no! He supports letting Super PACs run amok and then sternly repudiating their tactics, even as he stands to benefit from them.
Welp, maybe he'll support sweeping reforms once he loses. Like John McCain.
Talk about these things! Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. Life is short.
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