Breaking news today, as the No Shit Sherlock Times reports that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is so terrible!
That's only partially a joke. Virtually every single thing I've read about Mitt Romney this morning is about how he was a bully, how he torched anti-bullying measures when he was a governor, how his apologyish for being a bully stinks, how his campaign is bullying old friends to tell the media he isn't a bully, how his campaign is spinning the story with lies, and how Mitt Romney is probably going to spend the weekend pouting in the gold-plated car elevator in his moon mansion.
Great candidate. Super person. Excellent choice as always, Republicans.
In other news, Vice President Joe Biden reportedly apologized to President Obama for being too progressive and forcing him to "evolve" on marriage equality faster than he wanted to, or something. I hope that apology was: "I'm sorry—I was under the impression you were a fierce advocate, sir. Whoooooooooops! MY BAD!"
Aaaaaaaaand that's about it for election news. Mitt Romney is terrible. Barack Obama is not as progressive as he should be. Rinse and repeat from now until November. The end. Praise Jesus Jones. Amen.
Talk about these things! Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. Life is short.
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