GOOD MORNING! (Or whatever!) Here is some news for you...
This Guy: Obama Campaign Expands Bain Attack and General Election Ad Buys.
That Guy: Mitt Romney's Bain Problem: Private Equity Has Bad Rap with Public.
Poll! NBC/WSJ poll: Obama, Romney Locked in Tight Contest.
This Guy: Obama Challenged in Arkansas Primary.
That Guy: GOP Discovers That Mitt Romney Could Win.
Poll! WRAL News poll: Presidential Race Dead Heat in NC.
This Guy: Obama Spending Binge Never Happened.
That Guy: Romney Oil Adviser Also a Big Super PAC Donor.
Poll! Romney Takes Lead in Florida.
See? What did I tell you? And do any of these stories make a blinking bit of difference to anyone's opinion of President Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Because those stories boil down to: President Obama is campaigning, and, by the way, he's not super popular in very conservative states and his opponents lie about his record. Mitt Romney is a rich corporatist who has a shot at the White House both in spite and because of his ties to wealthy Big Business interests. If anyone is shocked by any of that "news," congratulations on waking from your coma!
I will now turn it over to Andrew Sullivan for some totally trenchant commentary on Mitt Romney's laugh. I guess there wasn't any news about Sarah Palin's vagina today.
Talk about these things! Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. Life is short.
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