Market Magic!

I am supposed to believe there is such a thing as real competition in this country. I just got off the phone with Comcast, telling them I wanted only the bare minimum of services, reduced from what I currently have.

I keep going through this exercise, and I keep forgetting how Kafkaesque the whole thing is: By cutting off premium and HD channels, I can save (wait for it) $1.89 a month. Wow.

No one ever believes me when I tell them, either. Comcast just threw in a $15 a month credit and free HBO and Showtime if I keep the same service for $2 more. This is some crazy shit.
No one ever believes me when I tell them. I believe you, Susie! Iain and I go through this with Comcast I MEAN XFINITY all the time. We'll be wondering where we can save some money, and we'll say, "Let's get rid of HBO." So Iain will call Comcast and try to cancel, and we'll end up with HBO and Showtime for $5 less a month. Not promotionally—permanently. I don't know how the fuck it happens.

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