The Parks and Rec Open Thread

I know, I know—we've missed TWO WEEKS! So instead of just waiting and trying to cram all three weeks into a single thread this Friday, I figured I'd do one today, so we can discuss "The Debate" and "Bus Tour." Which were both obviously SO GREAT! (Except for the pie in Jerry's face, which made me sad. Boo.) I loved Ron stealing the cable, and Andy's reenactment of Rambo, and Donna's sacrifice of her precious Benz for Leslie, which made me laugh and blub at the same time because OMG this show. I love that Bobby Newport's position on abortion is, "You know, let's just all have a good time." LOL!

image of Leslie Knope at a podium giving an incredulous look to Bobby Newport, also at a podium, during a debate
The Debate

image of Chris Traeger, Leslie Knope, and Ann Perkins on the bus; Chris is wearing a t-shirt with Leslie's face on it, and I have added an arrow pointing to it labeled BEST SHIRT EVER
Bus Tour


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