[Content Note: Homophobia.]
As all the land's political junkies await ABC releasing snippets of its interview with President Obama so it can be scoured for evidence of his support, or lack thereof, for marriage equality, my Twitter feed is lighting up with soooooo many gay Obama jokes in my feed c/o straight progressives. Real gems like "Obama announces move to Pink House" and "Obama to sing 'It's Raining Men' during ABC interview" and "Obama could just wear a sleeveless shirt to the interview; 'nuff said."
I'm not surprised, but I am certainly disgusted.
Truly, if you think "Pink House" and "It's Raining Men" jokes are funny, and definitely the best response when one of the nation's most pressing civil rights issues is on the line, you are part of the problem.
Yes, I am still the Most Humorless Feminist in all of Nofunnington. Better that than an "ironic" homophobe. Christ.
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