You have been tasked with casting a reboot (ugh) of Star Wars: Episode IV, and you have to cast the roles of: Leia, Luke, Han, Chewie, Obi-Wan, Vader, and Grand Moff Tarkin. You are not bound by gender, i.e. you can switch Luke to Luka, and you are not required to cast them as any particular race, but bear in mind that Leia and Luke are still twins, so they would (most likely) resemble each other. Wookies can be reimagined as you like, if you like.
So: Who do you cast?
Leia: Freida Pinto.
Prince Luke: Kunal Nayyar.
Han Solo, Prince Luke's love interest: Josh Holloway.
Chewie, with Wookies reimagined as humany: Jorge Garcia.
Obi-Wan: Alfre Woodard.
Vader: Irrfan Khan.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Andy Serkis.
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