[Content Note: Bullying.]
"Back in high school I did some dumb things and if anybody was hurt by that or offended by that I apologize. If I did stupid things, I'm afraid I've got to say sorry for it. ... I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks in high school and some of them might have gone too far, and I apologize."—Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, reluctantly making a general apology for "hijinks and pranks" like bullying and assaulting a classmate for appearing different, holding him down and cutting off his dyed hair.
Romney says he has no memory of the incident, yet, in response to former classmates' recollections that Romney bullied the kid for presumably being gay, Romney said: "I certainly don't believe that I thought the fellow was homosexual. That was the furthest thing from our minds back in the 1960s."
So, he doesn't remember the incident, but he's certain that it had nothing to do with thinking the kid was queer. All right then.
I totally call megabullshit on the whole "no one thought about other guys being gay in the '60s" garbage, too. Sorry, Romney—I know gay men your age and they were damn well harassed for it by bullies like you.
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