I voted for Obama, I love Obama, but I don't want to see Obama on "The View," I don't want to see him playing Frisbee... I believe that the president should be [at] his desk all day. I don't want to see him on vacation, I don't want to see him at Martha's Vineyard, I don't want to see Mrs. Obama in Spain. No, no, I do not want to see that because everybody's struggling. These CEOs shouldn't be taking all this money. No Rolls Royces. No private planes.—which, like, I sort of get, but, no, the solution is not to suggest the person with arguably the most stressful job in the world never have any recuperative time so that bad, high-anxiety, no-sleep, super-tense decisions are made just to avoid the appearance of privilege, but instead eradicating that privilege by prioritizing the same opportunities for down-time to average workers—but also some world-class observations like:
I think ignorance is overlooked as a very, very powerful tool. It's like Mr. Magoo walking through a minefield. Sometimes it's great being Mr. Magoo.—sure, definitely, perfect. I mean, honestly, my favorite thing is probably just that this interview exists at all, because Steve Guttenberg is promoting his new memoir called, of course because what the fuck else would it be called, The Guttenberg Bible.
Liss: GUTTENBERG! [sends link]
Deeks: Why the fuck is creditcards.com interviewing Steve Gutenberg?
Liss: Because he's a financial wizard.
Deeks: I can't wait for Cutlery World's interview with Judge Reinhold.
Liss: Do you think it'll be as good as Lawnmower Monthly's legendary profile of Don Rickles?
[H/T to @bendimiero.]
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