Today in Totally Not Terrorism

[Content Note: Anti-choice terrorism.]

Annie-Rose at Think Progress: New Orleans Women's Clinic Becomes Latest Target of Arson Attacks.
A New Orleans women’s health organization was destroyed last week by an unknown arsonist, becoming the latest target of attacks on women’s health clinics in the south.

The organization, Women With A Vision, was likely singled out because it offers AIDS prevention help, HIV testing, and substance abuse assistance to sex workers, transgender women, poor women, and women of color. The clinic also does community outreach and education on those issues. Like two incidents in Georgia last week, no one was injured in the fire, but the clinic lost a good share of its resources.

...The New Orleans fire department is still looking into the fires at Women With A Vision, but witnesses reported seeing a man run from the building where the fire was set.
There is more at the link about the extent of the physical damage done and how you can help.

Have I mentioned once or twice or three million times that this is fucking terrorism? Have I mentioned that maybe our president should say something about it?

It is. He should.

This flagrant, shameless campaign of intimidation, harassment, threats and acts of violence against healthcare providers who offer services to women and other people with uteri, and the spaces in which they offer them, is not just a terrorist movement in defense of an inherently violent ideology, but it is a national referendum on whether this country cares about women et. al., bodily autonomy, and agency.

The silence from our alleged allies speaks volumes.

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