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Recommended Reading:
Tami: No Disrespect [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of policing black women's behavior at the intersection of racism and misogyny.]
Sneha: A Problem-and-Solution Mismatch: Son Preference and Sex-Selective Abortion Bans
Maria: Venture Capitalist Mitt Romney Outspends All Contenders to Acquire Republican Presidential Nomination
Danielle: Feeling Is Believing: Why Obama's Hair Matters
Lisa: Katherine Cross: Speaking Out for Reproductive Freedom, 2012
Jeanette: The HAES® Files: "Eat Your Vegetables—News at Eleven"—Why Common Sense Health Advice Makes Bad Television [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of various weight loss industry fuckery.]
Jos: A Sea Change in Transgender Rights [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of transphobic prejudice and violence.]
Andy: Indiana Church Gives Child Standing Ovation for Singing 'No Homos Gonna Make It to Heaven [Content Note: The video contained at this link contains homophobia and what I personally regard to be child abuse.]
Sean: Quantum Mechanics When You Close Your Eyes
Jorge: Invisible Me
Jay Smooth: Mitt Romney Scares the Crap Out of Me [video]
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