Daily Dose of Cute

The Adventures of Watch Dog and Not-Watch Dog, Part 7:

Video Description: Zelda the Black-and-Tan Mutt stands in the middle of the garden, looking into the thicket. Her head swivels and her ears twitch. Suddenly, something catches her eye, and she trots off to the back of the yard to investigate. As she goes, she passes Dudley the Greyhound, who is lying in the grass and blinks disinterestedly as she cruises by.

image of Zelda lying in the grass, looking alert
Watch Dog

image of Dudley lying on his side along the fence, next to two giant holes he's dug
Not-Watch Dog

As you can see by the the latter picture, Dudley has plenty of energy for things like digging holes, when he wants to, lol.

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