Daily Dose of Cute

Zelda the Black-and-Tan Mutt lies on the living room floor with her front legs stretched out in front of her and her back legs stretched out behind her

Zelly lies in this hilariously weird position all the time. A lot of dogs lie with their legs stretched out behind them, of course, which she also does, but sometimes she makes it extra-weird by propping her feet up, too, like she's a dog track-and-field Olympian who might need to SPROING! into action any second.

Just to show I didn't catch her in a weird moment, here's a little video of her lying in Downward Sproing-Dog while she chews on a chewy thing. My favorite ever is when she wags her big bottle-brush of a tail while in that position. What a goofball.

Video Description: Zelly lies in her weird position with her back to me, chewing. "Zelly, do you like that?" I ask her. She looks at me and licks her lips. "You do?" She grins and wags her tail. "Oh, good girl!" I tell her. Wag wag wag. She returns to chewing.

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