Okay, Lord Player.

[Content note: This post refers to institutional privilege, Christian supremacy, and bigotry relating to same-sex marriage.]

Actual Headline: "Lord Carey: opponents of gay marriage treated like bigots."

Actual Quote: "'It is in fact the supporters of traditional marriage who have been accused of bigotry and homophobia — the kind of intolerant and judgmental language he talks about in his interview,'[former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey] said. "


Okay, Lord Player. I guess I need to explain this again.

Your Grace,

Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, you're getting treated like a bigot because you are ACTING like a bigot?

When your argument against same-sex marriage is that it will make a "change in the definition of marriage for everyone," even though it clearly changes NOTHING for straight couples other than the fact that they will now share their institution with queer couples....

...then yes, sir, you sound like a privileged homophobe.

When you say that "[t]he Government’s fundamental interest in marriage should be confined to preserving an institution in which the raising of the next generation of citizens is stable and secure," despite the fact that marriage requires neither reproduction nor stable child-rearing (and neither reproduction nor stable child-rearing require marriage)....

...then yes, sir, you look like a ridiculous bigot.

And when you claim the cause of "traditional marriage" and loudly worry about setting precedents and changing the way things are done in regards to LGBT*QI people, but are famous for advocating a fairly significant re-interpretation of tradition for your powerful, straight friends...

...then you not only appear to be a bigot and a homophobe, you have also claimed a brightly-colored Mantle of Hypocritical Douchnozzlery +10 for your very own.

Criticizing the positions of a powerful member of the House of Lords and former Archbishop of Canterbury is fundamentally not the same as spouting off prejudicial statements about oppressed people which serve to encourage even more oppression against them. No matter how many false equivalencies you draw between the two, these things remain quite different from each other.

Please make a note of it.



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