Former President George W. Bush stands next to his official portrait, Thursday, May 31, 2012, in the East Room at the White House in Washington. [AP Photo]LOL FOREVER. Remember when this guy was president? Oh boy. LOL.
The New York Times' coverage of the grand unveiling is here. I love this bit:
"Behave yourselves," a grinning Mr. Bush said to the audience, which included his longtime political guru Karl Rove and former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Turning to President Obama with a look of mock chagrin, Mr. Bush said, "Thank you so much for inviting our rowdy friends to my hanging."I mean, it just takes a special sort of fuckery to pretend like you're the rabble when you're at the White House at your official presidential portrait unveiling, and in attendance is your father who is also a former president. Just a coupla Good Ol' Boys! Sure.
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