Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) criticized public-sector unions on Sunday, saying they should be eliminated entirely.Emphasis mine.
"There's, I think, a fundamental problem with government becoming its own special interest group," he told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday." "Ultimately, there is not really bargaining in those situations because government sits on both sides of the table."
Wallace then asked whether Daniels would like to see public-sector unions disappear entirely.
"I think government works better without them, I really do," Daniels replied.
...Daniels' appearance -- less than a week after fellow Republican Gov. Scott Walker survived a recall election in Wisconsin -- focused on unions and government spending. Daniels supported Walker's move to end collective bargaining rights for most public-sector employees, which led to outrage in the Badger State.
Indiana already has similar policies in place, such as a 2005 executive order, signed by Daniels immediately upon taking office, that eliminated collective bargaining rights for government workers.
When Wallace cited figures that showed public-sector workers in the state now receive lower salaries and must pay higher health care costs, Daniels said he had seen no such numbers.
"We're not really believing that we've done anything but improve the lot of Indiana public employees," he said.
"We're not really believing anything other than what we want to believe." Perfect. It's so much easier to ruin people's lives when you simply ignore all evidence of the consequences of having done so.
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