Random Nerd Nostalgia: Lube Your Cube!


[Description: Cartoon of hands rotating a Rubik's Cube. " Even if you've got all the right moves, sometimes your cube can be tough to move. And that's why there's new CUBE LUBE--an incredible lubricant specially formulated for the cube and other mind-boggling puzzles that move. With CUBELUBE, your cube twists more freely, turns more easily, changes faces with the kind of lightning-fast speed that can really reduce your time. And CUBELUBE's great for all kinds of toys and puzzles with moving parts.Even bikes and cycles roll faster and coast longer with CUBELUBE.Send for some today.Because until you try it, you just don't know how fast you can go." There is also a coupon for ordering.]

Scanned from Wonder Woman # 292, June 1982.

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