Random Nerd Nostalgia: Spidey vs Twinkie-Takers


[Description: In the first panel, a short white person in a green jacket with curly red hair, wearing what appears to be a Groucho Marx type disguise and holding a gun, facing away from the reader is saying: "Everybody lie down. We're gonna steal all the Twinkies." (SUBTLE!) A white man in similar glasses/moustache and a hat, holding gun, says "You! Go down to the store-room! Bring up all the Hostess Twinkies!" But Ho-ho joke is on THEM! Because they are ordering Peter Parker around. Peter smirks as he heads down into the basement: "Little do they know that Hostess Twinkies are never stored away...(next panel as Peter changes into Spider-Man, clings to the ceiling, and thinks "..they're always fresh on the Hostess display. I'll stay up here and wait. They'll have to come down and see what happened to Peter Parker." Panel 3: Person with green jacket: "What's taking that guy so long. I can't wait. I want more Hostess Twinkies. I'm going downstairs!" Be-hatted Villain: "That's not wise. I can't control all of these people by myself!" Green Jacketed Villain: "I don't care. I can't wait. I must have those delicious Hostess Twinkies!" Panel 4: Green-Jacketed Villain, not seeing Spidey on the ceiling, thinks "I'm going to double-cross my partner and keep all the Twinkies to myself!" Panel 5: Spidey swings into action, de-gunning and dis-disguising GJV, saying: "Ha! This will be the end of your Twinkie-taking!" Panel 6: Spidey shoots out a line of webbing, de-gunning the Be-hatted Villian, as GJV says: "We can't get away with it. Drop your gun. We should never have tried anything so evil as to rob a store--especially of Twinkies. I'll never do it again." Final panel, Spidey holds up Twinkies and says "You can say that again! There are just too many good people waiting to enjoy that golden sponge cake with creamy filling inside. What could be more delicious than Hostess Twinkies?" A tagline: "You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Twinkies!"]

I am extraordinarily impressed that in one page, the author managed to work in "Little do they know," the phrase "double-cross," and the particularly grave evil of robbing a store for Twinkies (as opposed to, say, money).

(Scanned from Thor #248 June 1976.)

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