RIP Eduard Khil

Eduard Khil, the Russian singer also known as Mr. Trololo, has died at age 77. What did he think when, in 2010, a 1976 clip of his performance of "I Am Glad, 'Cause I'm Finally Returning Back Home" on Soviet television went viral?
"I love it," Khil said. "People [are] doing parodies, having fun. It unites them."
And here's a little bit of history about the song, which is a deceptively subversive wee tune:
The tune he belted out, "I Am Glad, 'Cause I'm Finally Returning Back Home," was originally written at the height of the Cold War in 1966 with lyrics about an American cowboy.

Khil and his composer knew the highly restrictive government would never allow him to sing it.

Instead, they decided to ditch the words, and Khil simply sang the melody.
In honor of Mr. Khil, here once again is Trolololivia.

Video Description: Olivia the Cat "lip-synchs" to "I Am Glad, 'Cause I'm Finally Returning Back Home," aka the Trololo Song, while I scratch her back.

[H/T to Shaker reginahny, in comments.]

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