So, there's this conservative kid, who's 14, and he has his own talk show and a book, and he's beloved by conservatives, big-name conservatives like Rudy Giuliani and Glenn Beck, who love that he says outrageous things—like, most recently, that President Obama is making kids gay, which is currently getting him lots of attention across the internet, where he's considered either a hero or a bozo.
I am not going to link to this kid, or post his video, even though he is saying terrible things.
When I was 14, I knew some 14-year-olds who said terrible, conservative, homophobic things.
Some of them probably still say them.
Some of them, in years hence, deeply regretted the things they said only because that's what they'd been taught by their families, their churches, their culture.
Some of them later came out.
I don't know in which one of those categories that boy might find himself two or twenty years from now. So I will only say this: If it's in either of the latter two, a space as safe as I know how to make it will be waiting for him.
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