Paul Farhi in the Washington Post—Women aren't principal news sources on women's issues, 4th Estate analysis finds:
Men have long been the predominant sources for the news media on issues such as the economy, politics and the military. And a new analysis of campaign coverage found that women aren't even the principal news source on a topic they would presumably know best: women's issues.Emphasis mine.
Major news outlets, print and TV, turn mainly to male sources for their take on abortion, birth control and Planned Parenthood, according to a study by 4th Estate, a research group that monitors campaign coverage.
Women don't even rate as the most common sources for reports about "women's rights," a catch-all category that excludes reproductive issues, the group said. Women accounted for less than a third, or 31 percent, of the sources in these reports, with men in the majority, 52 percent, and institutions and organizations comprising the balance.
On some topics, such as abortion, men were four to seven times more likely as women to be the ones offering an opinion, according to 4th Estate, an offshoot of Global News Intelligence, a company that monitors media sources for government agencies and companies. It concluded: "The gender gap undermines the media's credibility."
Michael Howe, a spokesman for 4th Estate, said his group's findings suggest that reporters might have "an unconscious bias" when it comes to selecting people who offer expertise and opinions about the news. "The thinking [among reporters] may be that men have more authority on a topic than women do," he said.
Here are some labels at Shakesville (which we only started using in the last two years) and the numbers of posts filed under those labels:
Abortion: 185.
Anti-Choicers Do the Darnedest Things: 133.
Chipping Away at Roe: 189.
Chipping Away at Griswold: 24.
Contraception: 27.
Reproductive Coercion: 33.
Reproductive Rights: 194.
War on Agency: 9.
Those are just the labels explicitly associated with reproductive rights, not including other subjects that may be of interest to women, e.g. Women (126), Misogyny (288), Rape Culture (410), Homophobia (150), Racism (146), Fat Hatred (172), Feminism (87), or Economy (234), which is by no means a comprehensive list.
Number of times I have been approached by a member of the US mainstream media as a source for a story on women's issues: 0.
[H/T to @PeterDaou.]
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