A tale of two stories.
1. Michigan State Rep. Lisa Brown (D) has been silenced in state congress due to using the word vagina in her testimony on the floor against the heinous abortion bill (which passed, btw). Rep. Brown said:
”I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours? And finally, Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but no means no.”According to this report from Michigan Public Radio:
Ari Adler is the spokesman for the House Republican leadership.Another woman, Rep. Barb Byrum, also says she has been formally silenced as she was not called on during the debates (from RawStory):
“It is the responsibility of every member who serves in the House of Representatives to maintain decorum on the House floor and when they do not do that, there can be actions because of that. And the action today is to not recognize either representative to speak on the House floor," he said.
The House Republican leadership confirms that state Representative Lisa Brown will not be recognized during debates as a sanction for mentioning her vagina during a debate on anti-abortion legislation.
Video from the Michigan House floor shows Byrum attempting to speak about an amendment to the anti-abortion bills, but the speaker does not recognize her despite her status as the amendment’s author.
2. In Arizona, Republican Party Communication Director Shane Wikfors went online to call two women having a discussion about the failures and disappointments of the Republican party (of which one was/is a member of) a "bitch session". Yes, that's right. A "bitch session".
“As the spokesman for the Arizona Republican Party, I would have at least expected Ms. Roberts to call and ask a few simple questions about Kathy Petsas’ assertions before going to print, but she didn’t,” Wikfors wrote. “And Kathy Petsas never made any attempt to provide any constructive criticism to the State Party.”Wikfors has defended his phrasing claiming it's common and "Go to any corporate boardroom and you’ll hear that reference.” Right. Because THAT IS THE POINT, SURE. And that TOTALLY makes it ok! I'll really believe you didn't mean it any other way, either. Suuuure.
“Instead, Ms. Petsas ran off to Laurie Roberts and engaged her in a ‘bitch session.’”
Did I say two stories? Silly me! It's really the same bullshit story of misogynists using power to bully, to silence, women who disagree with them.
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